Saturday, June 21, 2014

SotD 6/20/14 - Smash Fun 6 - CT_Esam

I asked "Who should I draw next?" and one man answered; and that man was the newly (big boy) Sponsored CT_Esam. (I took a screen shot of "the request", lol) Definitely let me know who or what I should draw next and chances are it will happen.
I've been running into this guy at tournaments since brawl got moving, I don't think we ran into each other during my melee days. And I don't believe we've ever run into each other in bracket either. But with that never lose mentality of his I knew he'd do well. He's a Floridan smasher as well so even though he wasn't CFL he does has that going for him to. Such a strong region!
I spent maybe an hour or two on this piece; actually you check out the full process here, or just scroll down a little; but again clearly I could have pushed a little harder. (sorry Esam) But that's how these daily studies have to go since these aren't paid gigs.

And if you found this interesting check out my Cloud 9 portraits!
Well guys as always thanks for checking it out. God bless, be safe. See you later folks.

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