High low ladies and gents! Finished up some more work. This time you have two piece for the price of one... which in this case is free. Over the past few days I painted Phreak of Riot Games; the makers of that game I play a lot of. I did a caricature that took about a 1/2 hour, (on top) and another I tried for a more photo real approach I put a lot more time into that one; 3 to 4 hours?(bottom)
[ Caricature | Realistic ]
As always you can click the links for downloadable wallpaper versions.
More info below.
So once again I was referencing a very low resolution image for these... I definitely think that's something I'm going to avoid in the future. At least until I get a little better with my foundations. I put a lot of effort into getting my skin tones a little more life like without passing that line of over saturation. I actually like the way the skin tones turned out. I still need to work on likeness though... I'm getting closer but I need to continue to push myself. I think I also could have exaggerated features more on the caricature as well... so next time I'll have to try that out.
I had issues recording the realistic portrait and only grabbed parts, I did get the whole caricature however, so I'd like to at least post that up. Look for it in a few on the tube.
Alright guys thanks for checking out my work. Be sure to leave comments, questions and suggestions below for me. And as always God bless, be safe.
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