Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back to work, "MA&J", and the LessThanPi Show

So when I'm not drawing I'm a humble server at good old SnS. After a nice day off with my beautiful wife and adorable baby, (We spent most of yesterday watching the Pirate of the Caribbean movies) I'm heading back to work again tonight, even though I'd rather be drawing.

Matthew, Amber & Juliette

I did get a little time to work more on this:
I put about another 1 or 2 hours in... I still need to work on the faces obviously, but I like where its going. I want to be done with it in the next few days and have something to add to my portrait portfolio.

The LessThanPi Show

So... The LessThanPi Show. Before the baby I was hosting a series I called the LessThanPi show. I started out drawing YouTubers and then I kind of broadened the show and started drawing what ever I wanted. The episodes had loose cometary about the piece, my process, and other things loosely related to the subject. It actually does take a while to edit the videos together. I also do commentary in post so that was extra time in as well since I can never do it in one take.
I do want to start back up the series though. It was a lot of fun, and I had a small audience that actually enjoyed it. My issue now is what do I want to do with the show? I do want to use it as an extended blog? Use it as a tool to teach the art community? Or continue doing what I have been? Can I realistically release on a weekly basis or should I just release when I can?

Man lots to think about, but hey if you have any suggestions definitely let me know in the comments below. Alright guys thanks for your time. I know this was a lot. If you made it this far I commend you. As always God bless, be safe.

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