Monday, August 13, 2012

Photo Study of the Day (8/12/12) Bored Scout

Yesterday's Study:


Recorded this one as well... but I missed a good chunk of the process unfortunately. I spent quite a bit of time on this one. Kristina, my beautiful fiance, actually put a lot of time in today just helping me out and spending extra time with me while I drew and painted. It was definitely refreshing to have someone there while I was working.

Still learning, I definitely getting better  at match tone I think. I do still need to do some gesture and anatomy studies I'm having a tough time pulling that together and that is literally the foundation of every character drawing I'll ever do. So its very important to have a strong understand of human anatomy.

Process Coming Soon

I think this week I'll be starting the "Study of the Day series" in place of the Photo Study of the Day. It will be give a bit more leeway to really do whatever I feel I need to in order to improve. This will still include photo studies but I won't limit myself to just that anymore.

As always if you have any comments or questions please leave them below for me. God bless, thanks for your time.


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